UKG Workforce Institute

Workforce analysis and insights that empower leaders

Our global think tank of researchers, thought leaders, and industry experts share smart and timely coverage of the topics shaping the labor market and the larger world of work.

Through our in-depth workforce analysis and research, we help leaders take strategic action to drive organizational growth and performance while maintaining an emphasis on people.

UKG Workforce Institute

Our research has been featured in prominent news and media outlets

Our research, workforce analytics, and executive insights empower you to:

Understand Labor Market Trends



Our vision is to help you create an engaged, effective workforce

Since 2007, the UKG Workforce Institute has shared practical, actionable workforce analysis and insights with business and people leaders, journalists, academics, HR professionals, and countless others by conducting detailed investigations on the industry issues that matter most. We take care of the research and analysis so that you can stay focused on creating great places to work.


We conduct and publish independent studies and collaborate with other researchers who share our vision of enriching lives and business outcomes through work.


Every week, we publish articles written by renowned business leaders, researchers, and industry experts.


See our guides, checklists, eBooks, and more to get actionable insights that cover a variety of critical workforce topics.


Our podcast shares insights, strategies, and best practices from thought leaders, influencers, practitioners, speakers, and authors around the globe.


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